Every garment in this catalog is proudly Made in USA . We store and cut our own fabric, and have all the sewing done locally in Southern California by contractors that are exclusive to AKWA. Every garment in the catalog can be CUSTOMIZED, usually with only a 144 pc order.
2016 Polo Shirts [49 MB]
2016 T-shirt Windshirt [12 MB]
2016 Fleece and Jacket [37 MB]
2015 Polo Shirts [25 MB]
2015 Slub Terry, Sweater & CVC Fleece [20 MB]
2015 T-Shirts [12 MB]
2015 Bonded & Micro Fleece [12 MB]
2015 Dress Shirts, Camp & Windshirts [10 MB]
2015 AKWA Catalog [78 MB]